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Ready to do this? Enter the Awards

Entries for the 2024 Stella Awards, proudly sponsored by Livingstone Building Excellence are now closed.

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Entry Forms

Pick your category, click through and fill out the entry form to get in the running!

Note! You can save your progress by clicking Save For Later. You will need to sign up for an account with your Google account, Microsoft account, or with your email. You’ll receive an email to your entry form progress to keep working on it.

Amplify Customer Service Maestro

Your customers love you, and you love them! You listen to customer needs, ask the right questions, pay attention to detail and are often one step ahead, knowing what your customer wants before they do.

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Amplify Solo Superstar

You are an absolute superstar in all areas of your business. You put your customers first, you’ve streamlined your operations, found efficiencies you never knew were there, and discovered unique ways of marketing yourself that have set you apart from the competition.

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Amplify Team Titan

You are the most stellar teammate.  No one knows how you do it, but every time they turn around, you are there to help them and others in the team.  They literally wonder if you can walk through walls.  Most importantly, you are not bound by the confines of your job description.

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CAMEX Stella Survivor

Despite it all, your business is still here.  Not only have you survived, but you did it with grace, innovation and grit. You always knew your business would still be here, you also knew stagnation meant demise. And so, you transformed. Not just once or in one way, but in every way imaginable.

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Love Taupō Customer Experience Masters

You have walked through the entire consumer journey, from brand awareness to business touchpoints to customer loyalty and analysed how you can improve every step.  Most importantly, you have created a community of clients that advocate for you and would bend over backwards for in return.

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More FM Community Angels

Despite all the business hurdles you have been jumping through over the last two years, your team chose to give back to those who have had to jump through even more.  You have donated energy, time or money and aligned your business vision with the causes you have chosen to support.

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Taupō District Council Sustainability Stars

You are thinking outside the box to work more sustainably within your industry. Your team is coming up with clever ways of reducing waste, recycling, repurposing, supporting other locals, educating the general public and working with other like-minded businesses to have the biggest impact you can.

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Virtual Legend

You have learned that an online presence is essential to business in this day and age, and you’ve embraced the digital space. You may have had to fake it till you make it in the past, but it’s been your mission to become a digital Legend. You’ve streamlined, upskilled, strategised, and now brought your team with you on this digital journey.

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Westerman Dream Team

Your dream team has managed to stick together in the face of adversity. You’ve supported each other, not only in the workplace but in your personal lives too. You’ve kept connected in genuine ways and did what needed to be done to get through the toughest of times. Your team has come out the other side stronger and more formidable than ever.

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