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Stella Business Team Award Westerman Dream Team

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
– African Proverb
Sponsor Logo 0019 Westerman White

Here's the Lowdown: About the Category

Others look at your team and wonder how you did it.  How did you all manage to build such amazing comaraderie?  How did you stick together considering what you and your team have been through?

You all pulled up each other’s boot straps, put your superhero capes on and did what needed to be done to get through the worst of times.  You also capitalised on the good times, created team building initiatives and celebrated the small wins, ensuring you came out the other side a strong and more formidable team.

Entry for this award is open to businesses of 2 or more, operating in the Taupō district, including Tūrangi and Mangkino areas. Businesses can enter a maximum of 3 team award categories.

Mmc Team

"Westerman have been part of the local business community in Taupō for nearly 60 years and have built some amazing relationships during that time. We think we’ve got a pretty special team ourselves and partnering with the Stella Dream Team Award is the perfect fit to celebrate all the amazing businesses in our great community. "

Main Sponsor

Westerman Property Solutions

Ready to Participate? Enter the Awards!

Get ready to deep dive into your business and enter today!

Have a question? Get in Touch

Julie and the Towncentre Taupō team are ready to answer all your questions about the awards process.

[email protected]

021 415 231

The Hub, Level 1, 32 Roberts Street, Taupo

Not for you? See the Categories

Abby Dance Logo Sponsor Logo Livingstone Sponsor Logo 0022 Tct New Brand Horizontal 01 Sponsor Logo 0021 Sign On Sponsor Logo 0020 Tt Herald Sponsor Logo 0018 Westerman Sponsor Logo 0017 Zoom267x82z92000cw290 Sponsor Logo 0016 Business Chamber Sponsor Logo 0015 More Fm Sponsor Logo 0012 The Legend Logo Purple Rgb Sponsor Logo 0011 Amplify Logo Sponsor Logo 0009 Avp Logo Full Colour Sponsor Logo 0007 Lovetaupo Black Sponsor Logo 0006 Get Set Sponsor Logo 0005 Glt Tdc Sponsor Logo 0002 Lakeman Sponsor Logo 0001 Liquorland Sponsor Logo 0000 Qplogo Abby Dance Logo Sponsor Logo Livingstone Sponsor Logo 0022 Tct New Brand Horizontal 01 Sponsor Logo 0021 Sign On Sponsor Logo 0020 Tt Herald Sponsor Logo 0018 Westerman Sponsor Logo 0017 Zoom267x82z92000cw290 Sponsor Logo 0016 Business Chamber Sponsor Logo 0015 More Fm Sponsor Logo 0012 The Legend Logo Purple Rgb Sponsor Logo 0011 Amplify Logo Sponsor Logo 0009 Avp Logo Full Colour Sponsor Logo 0007 Lovetaupo Black Sponsor Logo 0006 Get Set Sponsor Logo 0005 Glt Tdc Sponsor Logo 0002 Lakeman Sponsor Logo 0001 Liquorland Sponsor Logo 0000 Qplogo